Week 25June 2017
This edition: Little things, Winter swimming, warm jackets and a horrid novel.
It’s the little things…
Sometimes I feel like I get too wrapped up in the drama of life, when really it’s the little things that matter…
// Sleeping in the sun, my daughters laugh, a kiss goodnight, praise of a job well done, a big heartfelt hug, family dinners, a well-made gin & tonic, the smell of salt water, connecting with a friend. //
Take life back to basics – appreciate the small things, be kind and follow your instincts.
If for some reason you aren’t happy with something in your life and it’s too daunting to go changing cold turkey – start by changing the little things, and then work your way up to the big.
Always the little things, they are the key.

The weekthat was..
Get your chillax on. Score 80% off a lifetime subscription to Aura’s meditation app.
Amazing examples of how things can be worn down over time.
That time Ninja from DieAntwood played basketball with Kanye & Drake. (this video fascinated me!! It’s seriously weird and wonderful at the same time.
Imagine climbing the equivalent of the world’s tallest building – the Burj Khalifa in Dubai – with no ropes and no nets. Alex Honnold did just that and National Geographic just did an exclusive interview with him.
Turns out, Bee’s are actually pretty cute.
Dont feel sorry for refugees – believe in them.
Listening to...
Just Some Motion – Parov Stelar // All Night
I love this video.
The dance moves, the black & white video, the music and of course – the light!!
I wish I looked this good when I dance around my loungeroom.. 😉

This month's photos
A Winters swim.

Winter jackets.
Time to get snug...
Righto, so it seems Winter is here to stay. Im freezing. I need a Winter coat.
Here’s my roundup of the best warm outer jacket coats to get me through to summer.
ALL of them are under $300.
Time to get warm.
ps. I still hate winter.

Tender is the Night // F. Scott Fitzgerald
It’s not often I don’t finish a book. Generally, even if it’s crap I’ll still press on…. there has been a couple of notable exceptions to this rule – Fifty Shades of Grey being one of them… and now I can add Tender is the Night by the illustrious F.Scott Fitzgerald to this list as well.
Have you read it? Oh man.. I just could not get into the rhythm of it. It had little bursts of brilliance but then it slid right back into chaotic rambling with no rhyme or reason. The heroine is not well developed and the Drivers are 1-dimensional characters. I guess I shouldn’t have expected too much when the main hero’s name is Dick Diver. Seriously. Dick Diver. *face palm*
I looked on GoodReads after I gave up to see if it was just me – and it seems like there is quite a few people that share my lack of enthusiasm for this novel.
I’m disappointed – I really like the name of the novel. “Tender is the Night” is such a great title. It’s just the inside that’s rotten. I sincerely hope they re-make the movie on it so I can find out the ending.
All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The little things are definitely important and worthwhile taking time to notice and appreciate 🙂 I think you made a pretty lovely list there!
LOL at that Kanye and Drake video. I love vice stuff! There was a series on VICELAND awhile ago (might still be on the SBS app) and it was all about abandoned buildings and towns etc. Was really fascinating and amazing to see forgotten architecture and how it changes after years of neglect!
The bee photos are amazing too!
Looks like the kids had a ball having a winter swim too! It hasn’t been that cold here during the day over the past few days – in fact I think it was 24 degrees yesterday!!
See you next Sunday xx
Vice is awesome isn’t it! So many interesting things to watch – I remember watching one episode of that abandoned building series – it was fascinating! I’ll go online and see if I can watch the rest. We are pretty lucky with Winter here in AU aren’t we!! I couldn’t live in a place where Winter was actually miserable and more wintery! haha.Thanks for your continued support Cassie 🙂 It means a lot to have you stop by each week!
I love the phrase ‘from little things big thing grow’. It’s so important to remember to put more focus on the little things!
Its a great line.. and a great song too. One of Paul Kelly’s finest.
What a great wrap up!
You mention a well made G&T…..for me, it’s a well-made cup of earl grey. I love my coffee too, but a lot of sins of a poorly made coffee can be overlooked by hot milk. My tea has to be awesome or it doesn’t get finished.
I’m intrigued by Tender is the Night. I’ve never read it, but I also tend to finish a book even if its a stinker.
Looking forward to next weeks post 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Brooke! I have my coffee & tea black.. so there is no forgiving with milk – and I can’t stand when a coffee has been burnt. eeghk. I’d be interested to know if you like Tender is the Night?? I would probably have finished it but I had such a bad week last week that in the end I just couldn’t be bothered finishing it. Wanted to start on something that didn’t make me angry! haha
The little things are so so important! Always makes the day feel a little brighter!
Ahaha sorry Dick Diver 😂😂 what a name to choose.
I know right.. I thought I must have been reading it wrong when it first appeared. Haha. I had a big chuckle to my hubby. It was written in an era that clearly didnt have a dirty mind 😉
I completely agree! It is those little things that much life wonderful. My little one is 3 and so spending time with her just doing nothing is a fantastic time to me.
Um…. that’s a really bad hero name must have been why the book didn’t work out. Lol.
Sounds like you had an amazing week!
Loved your photos, they are so beautiful! I haven’t read that Scott Fitzgerald book, but I actually want to. I’ll let you know how I get on!