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Well that was a busy week. So good having my bestie back from London – although the flip side of that is too many social engagements and burning the candle at both ends. Totally worth it though.

This week was full of laughter, love and a hella lot of champagne. Seriously though, friendship is so important. Be sure to make time for those people that mean the most to you. Its never a bad thing.

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Enrolled in a free course on Postwar Abstract Painting Course by Corsera
Seriously cool images from the First Colour Publication on Fish (1754)
Discovered National Geographics Photo Of The Day series
Humans of New York – you get me all the time #feelings
I want to go here
Did some reading on Deep Learning. Im not sure whether to be scared or excited for our future.
Ive set myself a task to rehaul my Lightroom photo library and consolidate all old iPhoto / Aperture libraries into it. God help me… its a BIG task.

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[eltd_custom_font font_family="Arapey" font_size="30" line_height="50" font_style="italic" font_weight="" text_transform="Uppercase" text_align="center" content_custom_font="Favourite photography shots this week" color="#09f7b0"][eltd_separator position="center" color="#09f7b0" border_style="solid" width="85" thickness="1" top_margin="25" bottom_margin="50"][eltd_image_gallery type="image_grid" column_number="3" spacing="medium" pretty_photo="yes" grayscale="no" circle_overlay_hover="no" images="1010,1015,965,962,941,936" image_size="full"]
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We are just heading into Autumn now and there is one item of clothing that gets a thorough workout in the cusp seasons for me. The trusty trenchcoat. Every year in Spring & Autumn this baby gets pulled out and put on high rotation.

A classic trench should go with everything and be able to be worn on any occasion. And if you must buy a trench (and you can possibly squeeze your budget) – a Burberry trench is a must. You will have it for life. A definite classic staple.

Below are some more trench’s I’ve picked for this season (and I really did try so hard to limit the number of Burberry ones!!)

[eltd_elements_holder][eltd_elements_holder_item][eltd_custom_font font_family="Arapey" font_size="30" line_height="50" font_style="italic" font_weight="" text_align="center" content_custom_font="ON MY PLAYLIST" color="#000000"][eltd_section_subtitle color="#000000" text_align="center" text="Client Liaison // Off White Limosine" width=""][eltd_separator position="center" color="#000000" border_style="solid" width="85" thickness="1" top_margin="25" bottom_margin="25"]

Saw these guys play at our local UniBar this weekend.  SO. MUCH. FUN.
If you haven’t checked out their music – please do so. Delicious 80s goodness.

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[/eltd_elements_holder_item][eltd_elements_holder_item item_padding="0px 100px 0px 80px" item_padding_768_1024="30px 20px 30px 20px" item_padding_600_768="30px 20px 30px 20px" item_padding_480_600="20px 10px 20px 10px" item_padding_480="20px 10px 20px 10px"][eltd_custom_font font_family="Arapey" font_size="30" line_height="50" font_style="italic" font_weight="" text_align="center" content_custom_font="Illumination In St. Petersburg" color="#800191"][eltd_section_subtitle color="" text_align="center" text="by Fyodor Vasilyev (1869)" width=""][eltd_separator position="center" color="#800191" border_style="solid" width="85" thickness="1" top_margin="25" bottom_margin="30"]

Oh the light!!

The colours and energy of St Petersburg are gorgeously captured by this young Russian painter.

Fyodor Vasilyev was most famous for his Russian landscapes – painting most from memory as he had to live for the last few years of his life in Crimea due to Tuberculosis infection. He died at the very young age of 23. While not particularly famous during his life – although he was called a “boy-genius” – he gained much recognition posthumously.

He had a great influence on Russian landscape art and is is said to have had strong influence on the next generation of artists.

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Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.


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